<br><strong>CAD CAM: </strong>posted by <strong>John Kerrison</strong> on 30 Oct 1999 03:54<br>
Does anyone know of a Computer Aided design package for the Amiga called millcam . I used this in college in 1992 when I was doing a course on CNC Programming . I would like to know how to get hold of the program for myself .<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>User groups!: </strong>posted by <strong>Q7</strong> on 15 Oct 1999 17:19<br>
Why is there NO user groups in the Borders / Eastern
<br>grampian area of Scotland!?!?!?!.
<br>It's beginning to p*ss me off! :/
<br><strong>Amiga.. Clubs or Groups?: </strong>posted by <strong>Tony</strong> on 21 Sep 1999 00:02<br>
Are there any Amiga user groups or clubs still around
<br> or in the Bristol (uk) area ??
<br>There used to be loads of them!!
<br> I`ve Siamesed my 1200 with a PC using a shared CD
<br>writer. 540meg hd on the amiga, "shared" 1.1 gig hd
<br>and a 4.3 gig hd on the PC. OOOhh the retargetted
<br>Amiga workbench, ON TOP of the PC desktop !!!!
<br>e-mail me ..... tonyj@innocent.com<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>disk drives: </strong>posted by <strong>david w</strong> on 16 Sep 1999 16:44<br>
my disk drive always (&%*# up
<br>i dont know what to do!!
<br><strong>Leeds User Group: </strong>posted by <strong>Chris Pratt</strong> on 23 Aug 1999 23:44<br>
Any Amiga users live around the Leeds area?
<br>If so, and you are interested in getting a Leeds user
<br>group started, E-Mail me at:
<br>and tell me whereabouts you live so we can get a group
<br><strong>Towering A1200: </strong>posted by <strong>Mike</strong> on 07 Aug 1999 14:04<br>
Hi All
<br>I am in need of assistance in towering up my A1200
<br>Please can anybody help me?
<br>If anyone can help please email:
<br>Thanx Mike<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Just a quick hello..: </strong>posted by <strong>Rob Wilson</strong> on 04 Aug 1999 00:07<br>
Hi everyone,
<br> I'm an Amiga user with an A4000(T)/060 system and
<br>if anyone else has a similar high spec'ed system out
<br>there then get in touch for a chat.
<br>e-mail: recoil@globalnet.co.uk
<br>UIN: 26518940<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Cando 3: </strong>posted by <strong>Mark Cheetham</strong> on 03 Aug 1999 15:11<br>
Does anyone know where I can get Cando 3.<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>CAUG: </strong>posted by <strong>Simon Eastop</strong> on 03 Aug 1999 09:43<br>
Hi all,
<br>Cymru Amiga User Group is now gaining momentum.
<br>We have been formed just over 2 months and now have over 15 members.
<br>We have a number of projects under analysis and discussion.
<br>One of the current ideas it to make a Welsh catalogue file for OS 3.5
<br>If you'd like to join, please email
<br>All the best,
<br>Simon (CAUG)
<br><strong>Wordworth 7: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Bryant</strong> on 24 Jul 1999 11:21<br>
Does anyone know where i can get wordworth 7 in the UK, nobody seems to sell it.
<br>If you know where I can get it please email:
<br><strong>Alien User Group: </strong>posted by <strong>Shadie</strong> on 23 Jul 1999 18:07<br>
Anyone starting a user group up here on Mars??
<br><strong>Hi everyone!: </strong>posted by <strong>Neil Caunt</strong> on 23 Jul 1999 04:26<br>
Hi! I have an A1200 and live near Leicester. Anyone fancy e-mailing me?
<br>Do any Amiga users live in Leicestershire?
<br>(sorry about using Hotmail - I'm not on the net myself yet!)<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>KickStart - The Surrey UK Amiga User Group: </strong>posted by <strong>Dean "Gandalf" Swift</strong> on 16 Jul 1999 13:37<br>
I forgot to mention that the KickStart HomePage is http://www.furry.demon.co.uk/kickstart/
<br><strong>Compliments To The AmigaSoc Web Site And World Of Amiga Show Message: </strong>posted by <strong>Dean "Gandalf" Swift</strong> on 16 Jul 1999 13:35<br>
I really like the web site, it puts my user group web site to shame.
<br>I am a member of KickStart - the Surrey UK User Group.
<br>Watch out!
<br>We will be at the World Of Amiga show on Sat 24 Jul and Sun 25 Jul!
<br>Unfortunately, our most eager member, Ray "BigMac" McCarthy is on holiday with his family having inadvertantly booked his holiday at the same time.
<br>For this reason, the rest of us will be more enthusiastic than usual.
<br>We hope to meet many current and propective Amiga users and our good friends from SEAL - the South Essex (UK) Amiga Link.
<br>KickStart and SEAL will probably be selling subscriptions to our respective magazines AmigaInsight and Clubbed.
<br>Have fun!<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>SolarHTML: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Bryant</strong> on 15 Jun 1999 18:54<br>
SolarHTML is getting its own web page,
<br><strong>Excellent software: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Bryant</strong> on 10 Jun 1999 19:31<br>
Everyone download SolarHTML from aminet,
<br>It is excellent.<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>My Amiga: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Brown</strong> on 14 May 1999 10:54<br>
I really love my Amiga (In a non sexual manner).<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>A big "hello": </strong>posted by <strong>Paolo D'Urso</strong> on 11 May 1999 02:40<br>
a BIG hello to all the Amiga users and friends in the UK! :)
<br><strong>No Subject: </strong>posted by <strong>Steven L Croucher</strong> on 05 Apr 1999 19:24<br>
<br><strong>USB stuff: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Bryant</strong> on 04 Apr 1999 14:28<br>
Just wondering if anyone knows if anyone is making a USB interface for the A1200.
<br>If you have any info please email me
<br><strong>Midlands Usergroup: </strong>posted by <strong>Euperia</strong> on 02 Apr 1999 14:53<br>
There doesn't seem to be much of an Amiga support in the West Midlands,/Staffordshire area. Anyone interested in a usergroup round here?
<br>Email me if interested. (Attractive single women, just mail me anyway!)
<br><strong>Amiga Online: </strong>posted by <strong>Stuart Bryant</strong> on 27 Feb 1999 10:33<br>
I have just come online for the first time with my Amiga
<br>it is great!!
<br>Much better than with a PC.
<br><strong>New Website: </strong>posted by <strong>David Bloxham</strong> on 18 Feb 1999 22:55<br>
I have deveopled a new website telling you about the hystory of the amiga.. take a look
<br>(its amazing how many freeserve accounts there are)<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Visit My Website: </strong>posted by <strong>Mark de Jong</strong> on 14 Feb 1999 20:23<br>
Hi fellow Amiga lovers :)
<br>Please visit my website:
<br>Mark de Jong - Member of Team*Amiga*
<br>EMail: joopdejong@wxs.nl
<br>ICQ: 16523430
<br><strong>The Amiga: </strong>posted by <strong>Ross Whiteford</strong> on 24 Jan 1999 11:37<br>
Personally I think,
<br>The Amiga is So FANTASTIC! Words cannot describe it!<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Amiga Products: </strong>posted by <strong>Ross Whiteford</strong> on 23 Jan 1999 20:21<br>
Here's a thought. How about some more Amiga merchandise. For example Boing Ball Donuts (Donuts frosted with red and white squares). Boing Lager (Lager that seperates into red and white squares when poured.
<br>Just a suggestion.
<br>Ross Whiteford. Scotland. <br><br><hr>
<br><strong>NONAME & Amiga: </strong>posted by <strong>NONAME</strong> on 12 Jan 1999 13:00<br>
Short: We can work with Amiga in 98 ! French & English txt.
<br>Author: contact@noname.fr (NONAME)
<br>Uploader: jchesnot@noname.fr (Jerome Chesnot)
<br>Type: docs/anno
<br> NONAME is a compaign who works only with Amiga platform.
<br> Hi,
<br> NONAME is a compaign who works only with Amiga platform.
<br> We recently wined a silver trophy for best internet web site.
<br> I think it's a good proof we still can work on our Amigas !
<br><strong>Usergroup starting NE London: </strong>posted by <strong>michael.carrillo</strong> on 05 Jan 1999 14:42<br>
Hi Everyone,
<br>I'm looking to start an Amiga user-group in North-East
<br>If you are interested, please contact me at:
<br><strong>Amiga Stuff: </strong>posted by <strong>Steve</strong> on 03 Jan 1999 19:46<br>
For the very best in Amiga Software visit:
<br><strong>Amiga: </strong>posted by <strong>Bob the Dog</strong> on 03 Jan 1999 19:44<br>
The Amiga is great!<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Cool site!: </strong>posted by <strong>Baz</strong> on 29 Dec 1998 23:02<br>
well.......this sites gota go onto my list of faves!
<br>Think I will even put a link to you!
<br>check me out! Http://www.amiga95.freeserve.co.uk
<br>Keep the Amiga flag flying!
<br>take care and er........Happy New Year!
<br>- = Baz = -<br><br><hr>
<br><strong>Graffiti Wall Reset: </strong>posted by <strong>Webmaster - AmigaSoc UK</strong> on 18 Dec 1998 11:56<br>
Hi Everyone
<br>I've reset the graffiti wall as it was becoming to big and unwieldy. Maybe I'll develop it a bit further when I have time so it doesn't suffer from this problem in the future.
<br>In the mean time please keep leaving your messages.